family-centered Chiropractic Services in Gretna, NE
• nervous system centered care • family care • prenatal care • postpartum care • pediatric care •
How is chiropractic care beneficial?
As the gateway to health, our nervous system speaks to us, if we are willing to listen. Any condition you can think of is tied to its ability to function optimally. When there is a decrease in function, we find that we may feel "off" and symptoms may start to appear. These symptoms may come in the form of fatigue, illness, and unrest, just too name a few. This is a sign that the nervous system needs our help, and chiropractic care can be that for you!
Chiropractors find imbalance in the nervous system and help the body to restore them
Chiropractic care gives the body optimal autonomic nervous system function
Chiropractic care can be the difference between health and disease
family chiropractic care
At Honest Chiropractic, we care for the entire family! Our mission is to serve the people in our community as best we can by providing the highest quality of care to each patient. By using a gentle and specific technique and protocol that is nervous system centered, we hope to help patients of all ages achieve their wellness goals, while also improving their quality of life.
Reasons for receiving chiropractic care include (but are not limited to):
Compromised Nervous System
Insomnia, unrest, anxiety
Digestive function
To feel well!
To prevent injury or illness from setting in
Aches and pains throughout the spine
Sciatic Pain
Decreased range of motion
Growing kiddos (so many milestones unique to each child to check in on)
prenatal chiropractic care
Chiropractic care optimizes pregnancy by protecting the health and well being of both mama and baby. Chiropractic adjustments during pregnancy are focused mainly on the mama’s overall comfort, providing relief and movement to structures that may have shifted with a mama’s ever changing center of gravity. A prenatal chiropractor is able to help give mama a safe space for their baby/babies to grow and thrive, while keeping mama as comfortable as possible in the process.
Prenatal care may improve your pregnancy experience in many ways:
• Better sleep
• Decreased back pain and sciatic pain
• Decreased inflammation
• Improved digestion
• Decreasing morning sickness
How is adjusting a pregnant mother different than adjusting any other patient?
The Webster Technique is a specific chiropractic sacral analysis and adjustment used on pregnant women. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation/SI joint dysfunction. In doing so, neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is facilitated. Sacral subluxation may contribute to difficult labor for the mother (dystocia) which correction of the subluxation may have a positive effect on.
Every child can benefit from chiropractic care! Dr. Makenna is passionate about setting a child up for a lifetime of wellness, and recommends having your child adjusted from birth! When the nervous system of your child is closely assessed throughout their childhood, they are able to thrive!
An infant’s spinal alignment is likely compromised due to birth trauma as well as developmental stress both in and outside of the womb and should be evaluated as soon as mama feels comfortable bringing them in!
Birth trauma is any residual effect that is placed on the mother or the baby during the birthing process. For example, C-section trauma includes unrecognized injury to the baby as they are being pulled and yanked by the neck during their delivery. Operative vaginal deliveries refer to the application of either forceps or a vacuum device to assist the mother during the vaginal delivery of a fetus. Possible trauma risks to your baby from these methods that would indicate chiropractic need include increased risk of the baby's shoulders becoming stuck in the birth canal (shoulder dystocia) and a chance of spinal subluxation (misalignment). It is also important to address the sympathetic vs parasympathetic systems of the baby, as many babies are stuck in a “fight or flight” sympathetic response post-delivery. This is often when you will see colic signs in a baby, unrest, digestive issues and improper reflex presentation and integration.
Aside from birth trauma, there are many other extremely important reasons to consider chiropractic care for the pediatric community. During the first five years of life the body produces more neural pathways than at any other time. It is vital that we optimize this process through chiropractic care, which will set them up for a healthy future and lifetime of wellness.
Common reasons for seeing a chiropractor as an infant:
Cranial work can help improve flat spots commonly seen on infants as well as proper CSF movement and overall comfort for baby
Colic symptoms
Reflux symptoms
Overly fussy baby
Torticollis (favoring one side due to a muscle spasm in the neck)
Trouble nursing/latching/feeding
Hip dystocia
Shoulder dystocia
Common reasons for seeing a chiropractor in your youth:
To aid in proper growth and development
Helps to integrate out reflexes on an age appropriate timeline
Helps a child reach many milestones (ie: rolling over, crawling, walking, running…)
Improves any discomfort felt during growth spurts/growing pains
Help to prevent and heal play/sports injuries
Sensory disorders (we work with the Central Nervous System to help it reset and optimally function)
ADHD/ADD (by working with the CNS, adjustments may improve symptoms associated with these disorders such as a child’s ability to focus)
Improves metabolic function (keeps kiddos regular, helps with incontinence)
The ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatric Association) has initiated a ground breaking study on the safety and effectiveness of chiropractic care for children. During the study, parents reported three unexpected improvements with their child that included improved sleeping, improved behavior and attitude, as well as improved immune system function after receiving chiropractic care. In addition to these reported successes, additional benefits brought from chiropractic care include improvement with allergies, asthma, bed-wetting, colic, common cold, constipation, ear infections, latching, insomnia, injuries from play, reflux, torticollis and growth spurts in children.
At Honest Chiropractic, it is our mission to give the best possible quality of care that we can and help play a role in improving the quality of life in each patient, starting from birth.
If you or anyone you know would be interested in benefiting from chiropractic care, we would be honored to meet you.